The AV¶¶Òõ, which refers to the institution, in all of its parts, persons, property and relationships wherever situated, owned, operated, controlled, managed or otherwise regulated, is under the supervision or direction of The Board of Curators of the AV¶¶Òõ.
The Board of Curators, the governing body of the AV¶¶Òõ, consists of nine members, who are appointed by the governor, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate; provided, that at least one but no more than two shall be appointed from each congressional district, and no person shall be appointed a curator who shall not be a citizen of the United States, and who shall not have been a resident of the state of Missouri two years prior to their appointment. Not more than five curators shall belong to any one political party.
The term of service of the curators shall be six years, the terms of three expiring every two years. Curators, while attending the meetings of the board, shall receive their actual expenses, which shall be paid out of the ordinary revenues of the university.
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Board of Curators Site Index
Reviewed 2020-08-05